
SDK raises errors using exceptions. Explore library exceptions: Classes list.

Debug mode

SDK allows to activate debug mode. Its purpose is to log all requests, responses and headers.

The debugging may be enabled by defining DREAMCOMMERCE_DEBUG constant.

value meaning
false debug mode is disabled
true debug mode is enabled

You can define the constant in your source code:

define('DREAMCOMMERCE_DEBUG', true);

Logging messages

SDK allows to log all messages to stream.

The log file may be set by defining DREAMCOMMERCE_LOG_FILE constant.

value meaning
false logging is disabled - except errors but you still need to specify log file
string file path or stream (i.e. "php://stdout", "logs/application.log")

You can define the constant in your source code:

define('DREAMCOMMERCE_LOG_FILE', "php://stdout");

Messages can be passed to simple logger class using multiple priorities:

\DreamCommerce\ShopAppstoreLib\Logger::debug("debug message");
\DreamCommerce\ShopAppstoreLib\Logger::info("informational message");
\DreamCommerce\ShopAppstoreLib\Logger::notice("notice message");
\DreamCommerce\ShopAppstoreLib\Logger::warning("warning message");
\DreamCommerce\ShopAppstoreLib\Logger::error("error message");
\DreamCommerce\ShopAppstoreLib\Logger::critical("critical message");
\DreamCommerce\ShopAppstoreLib\Logger::alert("alert message");
\DreamCommerce\ShopAppstoreLib\Logger::emergency("emergency message");

Debug messages are filtered if debug mode is disabled.

Own logger

If you prefer to take over all logging, simply create your own class implementing PSR-3 Logger Interface and pass it to the library.

$client = Client::factory(


$logger = new MyLogger();


If you use your own logger, all constants described above are ignored.

Catching exceptions

A code example using exceptions handling:

    $client = Client::factory(


    // fetch collection/object
    $product = new \DreamCommerce\ShopAppstoreLib\Resource\Product($client);
    $list = $product->get();

    foreach($list as $item){

} catch (\DreamCommerce\ShopAppstoreLib\Resource\Exception\NotFoundException $ex) {
    \DreamCommerce\ShopAppstoreLib\Logger::debug('resource not found', array((string)$ex));
} catch (\DreamCommerce\ShopAppstoreLib\Exception\ResourceException $ex) {
    // resource error

Using default logger library, all traffic is being logged unless you disable debug mode. More over, if debugging is disabled, logger will catch all exceptions that are not covered by particular ones. This means if server returns HTTP 500, this exception data will be stored. You can disable it at all by not setting DREAMCOMMERCE_LOG_FILE.

If you need to take more control on data logging, implement your own logger.

Each exception lets to access an exception of lower layer, eg. HTTP response. Simply use standard exception’s method getPrevious on every exception.


    // ...

} catch (\DreamCommerce\ShopAppstoreLib\Client\Exception\Exception $ex) {
    \DreamCommerce\Logger::error(sprintf("Client error: %s", $ex->getMessage()));

    $prev = $ex->getPrevious();

    if($prev instanceof \DreamCommerce\ShopAppstoreLib\Exception\HttpException){
        \DreamCommerce\ShopAppstoreLib\Logger::error(sprintf("HTTP error: %s", $prev->getMessage()));

        if($prev->getCode() == \DreamCommerce\ShopAppstoreLib\Exception\HttpException::QUOTA_EXCEEDED){
            \DreamCommerce\ShopAppstoreLib\Logger::warning("Quota exceeded");

} catch (\DreamCommerce\ShopAppstoreLib\Exception\ResourceException $ex) {
    \DreamCommerce\ShopAppstoreLib\Logger::error(sprintf("Resource error: %s", $ex->getMessage()));