Application template

A template (boilerplate) allows to create an application in quickly way using the least amount of development.

It consists of a library and its sample implementation - billing system and main application.


The template allows to use simplified MVC pattern in order to separate particular application components.

Creating a new action step-by-step:

  • To create new controller, create the class in src/Controller/ (i.e. src/Controller/Books.php), that inherits from ControllerAbstract, and is defined in Controller namespace
  • Create myAction method
  • Create a view in directory view according to the schema: controller-name/action-name.php (i.e. controller/my.php)
  • In order to pass a variable to the view, use following expression $this['variable'] = 'value'; in action code. Then, this variable will be accessible like a regular variable within the view.

Install SDK

If you’re using Composer to manage your packages and SDK, inside the project directory call composer install.

Alternatively, it’s possible to manually install SDK. Just extract its contents into project directory.


In file src/Config.php:

return array(
     * Application ID generated by AppStore
    'appId' => '',

     * Secret generated by AppStore
    'appSecret' => '',

     * AppStore Secret generated by AppStore
    'appstoreSecret' => '',

    'db' => array(
         * PDO DSN
        'connection' => 'mysql:host=;dbname=app',

         * PDO Database username
        'user' => '',

         * PDO Database password
        'pass' => ''

     * Enable debug mode or not
    'debug' => false,

     * Path to log file or empty to disable logging
    'logFile' => "logs/application.log",

     * timezone of the application
     * Value is passed to date_default_timezone_set function
    'timezone' => 'Europe/Warsaw',

    'php' => array(
         * This determines whether errors should be printed to the screen as
         * part of the output or if they should be hidden from the user
         * Value is passed to ini_set function
        'display_errors' => 'off'